Monday, December 9, 2013

One cold week!

Last week was a little slow with the craftiness.  We had a smattering of snow, enough to be white outside, and chilly. But not enough to cancel school.  I got a few nooks and crannies in the house cleaned out. They aren't looking like I want them to yet, but some of the miscellaneous clutter is gone.  My closet in the master bedroom was the highlight of my housework.  We had so many bookcases that there were some in front of the closet, which involved climbing over or around! I never say no to bookcases since everyone in the house is a bookworm.  So after moving them out of the room, and clearing all the stuff out of the closet, I realized they would fit IN the closet beautifully.  So now they are being put to use holding my sweater and hat boxes!  I've been looking at it every night and every morning, and it motivates me to keep working on the rest of the stash-n-dash spots in the house!

My down time was spent working on a couple little cross stitch projects for the tree.  Both of these little kits I dug out of a box of "someday" projects. First was a lovely little dove ornament.

It originally had a little red hoop to go in, but I don't like those for finishing.  I rarely use them for stitching!  So I stitched down some lace I had, and made a stuffed ornament with a little bit of cedar shavings in it.  It smells and looks lovely!

I also stitched up this little robin.  It thankfully came with the little red felt frame, which is rather cute, and much better than a hoop!

Now, we just need to get our tree.  I usually wait until the weekend before Christmas to decorate.  There's enough stuff going on in I'd rather not try to cram it in.  But after the kids are out of school for the holidays, everything slows down quite a bit and we can enjoy the decorating!

I also worked on this lovely quilt, although I'm a bit away from finishing.  I took this before I started stitching the rows together.

The rows are in the process of being joined, and I may be ready to baste on Wednesday! With the cold weather, it'll be lovely to cuddle up under it and stitch down the binding this weekend! 

This week is all about the quilt, and few other little random projects.  I started a pair of wrist (or arm) warmers for myself, and the kids are teasing me since they cover my hand all the way to my upper arm.  And cozy!!!  I finished and made up the first one last night, and was wearing it until dinner!  It worked great with the sweater I finished last week.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Months and months in the making!

My last two November finishes were both a long time coming!  First up is the sweater.  I started it back in April.  Since I only really knit or crochet when waiting, it didn't get worked on regularly.  I love it!!!  It is so warm! 

My second finish was a little cross stitch project.  This was a kit that I had sitting around, and had sort of started.  A couple months ago I found the perfect frame at the goodwill.  So I finished it and framed it. 

It's a little pink for me, but it works on the shelf I have it on.  I think I like working on cross stitch this time of year.  Curl up with a blankie and supplies, and I can be warm and get something done!

Thanksgiving was full of turkey, pie, and family.  I think I need to change some things up a bit around here, for sanity's sake. DH likes it the way we do it now, but he has a crazy work schedule the days leading up to Thursday, then another crazy week after. I think he's happy as long as he has Thanksgiving off.

This week I have a couple of quilts to work (maybe finish?), and I may try and pick up yarn for the next knitting project.  The kids went through all the patterns with me, and we tagged the ones we wanted, and got rid of the rest.  Thankfully, my step-mom is a spinner and knitter, so they went to a good home.  She kept the ones she wanted and passed them on to her knitting group.  Two magazine holders worth of patterns are gone!  I just have two magazine holders left that the kids want done! LOL, all in good time.  If a sweater takes me 9 months, I've got YEARS planned ahead of me!