Monday, January 9, 2012

Last weeks finished projects....

So last week I finally got serious about finishing some of these project stashed around the house.  I am pretty impressed with how well the kids did with helping, even when it was just "please pour me a cup of coffee."  They even took to helping each other with homework (I still hate math, LOL.)  The photo below shows all the projects finished between Monday and Saturday.  The black, red and white quilt will be part of a quilt auction this year to benefit our sister parish in Peru.  It came out rather striking, but I am not sure I will do another one like it anytime soon.  The garment bag on the right I started 2 years ago to store my wedding dress.  We just found in the girls closet, all folded up and UNFINISHED.  So now the dress is stored nice neatly and the girls have some shelf space back. The little green and brown box was started last spring, as was the red, white, & blue one next to it. The green and brown box is for one daughter to use in a basket she is doing for a local fundraiser's silent auction.  She's 11, and just decided she wanted to donate a "hand & nail" basket, so I said go for it.  Here's a list of jobs you can do for me to earn some money!   There are 3 coffee wraps: tie-dye, rainbows on blue, and roses on black.  These will be for the school bazaar next November. And last, but not least, the dresser scarf/runner for one of the dressers in our room.  Now I REALLY need to get to work on the other one!
Completed between 1/2/12-1/7/12
So last weeks tally of finished projects is.....8! The goals for this week include basting and quilting one of older son's quilts, a dresser scarf for him as well, altering a coffee can to hold all the non-sewing scissors, and a project basket for me to keep the parts and bits of projects together. Ziplocks in rubbermaid bins just isn't working for me.  As for the house proper, I am hoping to get the last little bit hung in the laundry room and some wood cut from the trees we took down last year. And maybe I can squeeze in some more boxes and coffee wraps. They are a great way to use up left over fabric from other projects.

As for my weekend focus quote, it worked out really well.  I may need to print it and hang it on the fridge.  We have seen a huge increase in storage areas while applying this, which is saying something because we don't have a lot of storage room in the first place!

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