Monday, June 11, 2012

What a weekend!

We started out Friday thinking we were set for a crazy weekend.  But then the birthday cake got broiled in the oven, and we had to bake another one.  Someone had gone it to make garlic bread, and didn't know there was a cake in there.  I didn't know anyone was going to use the oven, so we had a mommy meltdown to start the weekend right!  Why was the cake in the oven? To hide it from the cat that likes baked goods, AND we discovered if you cool the cake and the oven 10 minutes, then put the cake back in and shut the door, you wind up with an amazingly moist cake. (It took 2 or 3 times of hiding the cake from the cat for us figure out what was happening!)   So Saturday was the birthday party, which was more like a birthday open house, people came and went all day.  The birthday boy was happy, and mom and dad were exhausted!  Sunday, which is supposed to be a day of rest, and we really try to keep to that since the rest of the week is so busy. But this Sunday, D2 and I went to church in the morning because we had a book club in the afternoon, and the boys went in the afternoon because S1 was serving.  Except at one point my dear husband looked at S2, and there was a WHITE faced little boy with green lips!  Apparently he didn't actually throw up, but it was a close call.  So we all get home eventually, and it's like "can we sleep now?" 

The rest of the week pretty much followed that pattern, so all I got done were 2 little cross stitch cards.

These were a kit I had received months (years?) ago and just finished.  I tend to float between knitting and cross stitch.  I'll knit a couple things, stitch a couple things, and repeat.  I've noticed this is mostly when working on big sewing projects, since the machine is taken over by a quilt.  The goal is to relax right? 

This week I am making several centerpieces, finishing a quilt, and then the kids get out of school for summer!!  I am curious to see how having them home affects my OPAM finishes.  How much LESS will I get done? 

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