Monday, September 24, 2012

Fall is here!

I love the colors of fall, but I really hate the temperatures!  There hasn't been frost yet, and after the morning cover burns off,  it has been beautiful.  But really cold!! 

I've finished all but 2 of the boards for the closet down stairs.  Guess what I get to do shortly?  Wednesday DH will finish installing them, as well as some of the trim we are replacing in the kids' rooms. 

Popcorn sales have started for Scouts.  I love watching as the boys learn how to handle the various situations that come up, but it is exhausting!!!  There is something about watching them try, try, and try again, with the results being they made no sales that time, and learn to handle that with grace. Or that they made more sales than they realized and asking "how did that happen?"  Even the older boys are still learning, the difference is that their goals are bigger.

As for sewing, the only thing I finished was a bunting to hang in the entry way!

This piece has S2's favorite fall fabric in it.   The patch on the upper left.  It has the "helicopters" or "spinners" seed. I have no idea what tree they come from, I just know ALL my kids were fascinated by them.  Nothing says fall like those do!

The desk Daddy brought up has been amazing!  The kids are fighting over who gets to do homework first!  And it gave me an excuse to do another purge of the house.  I have no idea where everything comes from. I go grocery shopping once a week, and household/project shopping once a month.  With the budget being what it is, I don't spend much and I don't stray from the list.  I'm starting wonder if little stuff-bunnies are breeding in closets and drawers! 

This week is full of nothing.  Just trying to get through everything and get it out of my house!!  I do have quilts for D2 and S2 to finish, maybe I'll get one of those done!

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