Monday, November 12, 2012

On this Monday.....

I want to start out by thanking our servicemen and women for their service.  I know some who are feeling like this day is a joke this year, after what has been in recent news.  And maybe there are elements of truth to that. But for me and my family, we are grateful for those who are or were willing to serve and those of our older generations who fulfilled their draft obligations. 

On a much more mundane note, my week was more productive than I had expected.  I finished several items for the school bazaar.  Below are 8 felt rings I made.  The girls tend to snap these up on the first day.  So I make as many as I make, and let them sell out.

 And I finished these boxes.  They only had 4 left at the end of the first day!  I love doing projects like that, because when they sell out, I know somebody is happy with I made.  And that is the whole point of crafting in my world!

I also finished an autumn bunting for etsy.  I really love how these warm up some of the empty spaces in our house.  And with a 1960's split level, we have a lot of bare walls and windows.  I do need to find a spot that is a bit easier to reach for taking photos.  Climbing up the side of our entry way is one reason I am not getting a lot of these done!  Someplace eye level would be good!

This week I think I only have one meeting, so I am hoping to work on Christmas presents. If I can get time without kids in the house!  My only major complaint about homeschooling is that I can't work on gifts while they are right there!!!

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