Monday, April 8, 2013

School is in

The kids went back to school today.  Their spring break was pretty laid back.  We spent quite a bit of time in the yard, both just enjoying the good weather and doing some of the more time intensive yard work.  The compost pile is sifted, the garden beds are amended, and seeds are planted!  We did decide to number the beds, since the kids and I had different definitions of "the first bed" or "the second bed".  The man at the hardware store thought I was nuts buying one of each house number.  I haven't decided if I am going to nail them up as is, or paint them.

I finished ONE project this week, and that was all the sewing I got in.

This was an orphan block, of which I have too many.  My best friend found it, and since it is in her colors, wanted me to make a pillow cover out of it.  So I did.  One of my favorite things about her is that we have completely opposite tastes in things, so if something to bright for me, she'll love it. There have been many an email or text with a photo that read do you want?

DH is on vacation this week, so the hope is some house things get done.  But he also wants to draw, so we'll see what actually gets done.  Although the house is on a good start, since two planter hangers are already up.

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