Friday, May 30, 2014

The second half!

And this is the part the little boys in the house just can't get over!  The rest of the surprise DH bought me!  Last week I showed you this:

The lovely pot that holds my cotton yarns now!  I kind of don't want to finish the project that is sticking out. I like it there!

The rest of it was this:
please excuse the floor!  we had no idea what we were doing when we textured the ceiling! wonderful husband bought me an antique chair!  The finish matches my furniture pretty well.  It's my spot to take off my shoes, since DH and I are on different schedules. When I sit on the bed, I usually end up waking him up.  But the part the boys can't get over is this

I won't quote the kids here, but they were surprised that, well, there was a time before indoor plumbing. And that someone actually donated it to the auction.  The silent auction ladies were surprised that someone bought it!

I was surprised no one saw the potential.  If I were into the shabby chic look a little more literally, this would be beautiful in the chippy white.  But with 4 kids, there is no way that would work any where in this house :)   Some bleach and furniture polish and a little wood glue, and it's beautiful as is.  The seat cover even matches the green in our room.  While the chair had humble beginnings, I'm sure that's doesn't mean it's unusable FOREVER!  What I would like to find is something to tell me how old it is.  And how many shawls and sweaters I can fit in there.  One cannot have to many sweaters and shawls and cardigans on the NOP. 

Sharing this at Shabby Art Boutique's Shabbilicious Friday

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