Thursday, November 17, 2016

Almost done

Tomorrow is the last day of my 5 strands challenge.  The only problem with this is that the last 2 weeks have been pretty much a wash.  I had a very important work of heart to start, as well as some really busy kids.  Even as I type this, I am really paying more attention to the clock. High School choir is killing me!  Between the expenses and the events, it is becoming the center of our lives.  As well as dance, scouts, and basketball.  There were a few days in the last week that we were gone for 13 hours at a time!!  I don't know how people do this on a regular basis! 

Onto the progress.  Some days I did get 5 strands done, and others none, but most were actually 2 or 3 strands stitched up.  Here is where I left off 2 weeks ago.  The peice in the upper right is what all my stitching has been done on for last 2 weeks. 

I was frustrated that I hadn't had a lot of progress, and failing myself imposed challenge. But to be completely honest, I feel so much better about things now. 

As of right now after uploading this picture. 

Because even with not getting as much done as I had wanted to each day, here is the picture I took 10 minutes ago....

What a pretty big difference!  The one thing I ran into was that I somehow got a huge knot in the skein of black thread, so I wound up just working on the one color for a while, since it was easier than working out the knot.

There is no open space in this pattern, so there is still quite a bit of work to do, but after tomorrow, I can take it at a more leisurely pace.

There are 8.5 by 8.5 inches of solid stitching here!  But the results have so far been worth it.  I kind of feel like I should by an extra frame to work on it in, but using frames really bothers my wrist for some reason. 

 I think for my next personal challenge, I am going to work on some crochet projects I have stashed away.  And I am only going to do it for 2 weeks, and see how that goes for  a while. 

Now, on to that work of heart.  A friend lost her husband suddenly last spring, and I had offered to make a quilt out of his shirts for her.  She was very grateful for the offer, but wasn't really interested.  After a few months, I ran into her and she had changed her mind.  She asked if I was still willing, but completely understood if I wasn't.  Well, what kind of friend would I be if I wasn't still willing?  So after a time she had gathered a couple together, and and I picked them up and went to work.  I now have all the individual blocks done!!! YAY!!

 I found a pattern here at the Thrifty Quilter. It was perfect for what I had to work with, and with a couple little tweaks here and there, it is coming along nicely.  I had 3 light shirts, so I purchased and prewashed 2 complimentary colors instead of also having red.  I really want the new fabric to kind fade away and let the shirts be the focus.  We'll see if that's what happens or not.  Ok. The clock is ticking !!!!

Friday, November 4, 2016

Week 2 of my little goal

Since I am now halfway through my month long goal of stitching 5 strands a day, I have come to the conclusion that Saturdays don't work.  There just isn't enough time. In light of that, my 5 strands a day has turned into 5 strands 6 days of the week.  And the reality is a day of rest from something is not a bad idea.  This week I finished 3 little projects and started a larger project.

This is where I was at the end of last week. One finish and a couple really good starts.

YAY! The ball is rolling!   This is the little heart I had started last week. It is so stinking cute! I don't a have a frame for it yet, but I have put a couple on my wishlist.  It is the only project which is truly finished.  It just needs a home.

Also finished is this little sewing machine motif. It will be the cover of a needlebook later. It was a quick little stitch, and I may make more next year to gift to crafty friends.

And the bottomless pile is changing! The little Mrs. stitch project is done, but it needs to pressed and cut to its finished size.  And the new project to work on is a mistletoe piece that I want to frame in a serving tray. It's a beautiful design from an older CrossStitcher magazine.  It will fit in with my preferred decor perfectly!

So for the upcoming week, the mistletoe will be the go to project.  I have stuck some little Christmas tags in the car to work on when I am waiting for kids and DH. I am not sure I am going to make as big of a dent in the project pile as I wanted.  But progress is progress, and I think I may make stitching part of my daily to-do's. Not 5 strands worth, there are days when I am up til midnight working on them. What's a challenge without a little pain and misery?  But maybe 2.  Now, off to work on today's stitching!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

My little challenge project

Last week I had made a commitment to stitch 5 strands a day in cross stitch/embroidery.  In the last seven days, I only failed one day.  It was a crazy busy day, and I was in a lot of pain from the previous day's activities.  It hurt to sit, stand, walk.  I was just  miserable, and I probably wasn't much fun for the family, so then I felt even worse about it.  So it was just a wash.  However, the other six days, I did the 5 minimum or more!  I even finished stitching one of the many projects floating around!

Here is the piece I sort of focused on this past week.  Mostly because it was the one on top of the pile. It will hopefully be a little stocking stuffer for DH.  I was actually starting to wonder if I would get any of these projects done before Christmas, which is kind of what prompted this whole experiment.  That, and I feel like I'm in a place where I'm not growing as a person. I'm not getting better at anything, I'm not doing anything new, I'm not learning anything.  I'm just kind of here. And really, stitching 5 strands a day is kind of stupid, but it forces me to work on time management with out having outside commitments.

When I started my 5-strand stitching, this is where I was in the piece.  Now, 7 days later, I am finished!!! With the stitching, anyways.  That is all I care about right now. Done, done, and DONE!  My stocking will may hold the cute little Mrs version I started after finishing the Mr.  Because even after the all the years we've been us, I still feel like we should be excited and happy about being "us". It's not everyday, that would make me sick with the gooey-ness.  But once in a while. 

And in the pile, I found this little key-chain kit.  Still unopened, still with it's magazine it came with.  But I love the pattern, so even though it's not destined for a Christmas present, it's getting worked when I don't work on the Mrs.  But I like it.  I may even have a little frame for it go in.  I think the wood medium with a metal frame would look great on my desk. 

Now, off to decide if I "owe" 5 strands for the day I missed, or I if I need to practice letting it go.  Which I have a had a harder time with ever since that stupid movie.  My stubborn side rears it's ugly head and screams "NO. NO WE DON'T WANT TO LET IT GO AND WE ARE NOT GOING TO LET IT GO!!!"

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

About that pile of craft supplies...

 After deciding to do something about the over abundance of craft supplies, I started with gathering the stitching supplies.  Oh. My. Lanta.  There are a lot!  There were kits in drawers, and bags in closets, and patterns or magazines on EVERY bookcase or shelf.  There were some upstairs and downstairs. Some in various states of completion, from everything together in a bag to just needed a frame.  The photo on the right here is just the "little"? pile by the recliner.  Yeah.....I think I dream big, or something.

There isn't A pile. There are PILES!  These photos are kind of embarrassing. I mean, really? This is ridiculous!  But I've been around enough craft rooms to know this is kind of almost normal.  The piles may be yarn, or fabric, or paint or whatever, but they're there.  Some people are definitely better at organizing the piles, neatly folding fabric, or dedicated yarn bins, or whatever.  Me? Not so much.  
 This little basket is full (over full) of little kits I've accumulated.  Sadly, there are more that I have found, and I have no bigger baskets to contain them in!  So one will go into each vehicle for waiting times.  Since I always seem to be driving someone somewhere for something, this plan should make a pretty decent dent in the pile by the end of the school year.  Whatever I don't love love love can go into a gift box, and then some of the birthday panic will go away.
 This is the lovely pile of project bags that I found stashed all over.  I start one, and something comes up, so it gets put away and ....well, it stays put away.
Which is why this is a project kit that I have carried around for 20 years.  That's a little too long.  So I started it last spring.  The one before the one we just had.  There are three of them in this set, so it may be time finish them.  Although, at this rate, I can give them to a my great grandchildren as housewarming gifts.  Since I'd like them in my own kitchen, that time frame doesn't work.

So my solution?  5 strands stitched every day.  Period.  For a month.  No going to bed til they are done.  No carrying extras strands stitched over to the next day. They are happy accidents.  I've got a little calendar page in my notebook I can keep track in. I may need to bribe myself to keep it up, but I think once I see progress, it may be the only motivation I need.  I am not worried about any finish work there may be at this point, just getting the stitching done.  Maybe when I am little less overwhelmed in life, I can make the finish work a priority. It can be a whole other monthly challenge.

Off I go now.  There are some stitches waiting to happen!  I'll worry about the piles later.  After this one decreases a bit!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

oooh, I may have hoarding issues

Recently I was looking for threads for a cross-stitch project.  One that may make D2 veeeerrry happy on Christmas morning. Or maybe St. Nicholas Day, depending on when I finish.  None of my "real" embroidery threads fit the color scheme I wanted, so in to the leftovers I went.  That may have been a mistake.  There are BAGS and BAGS of 'leftovers' I have saved over the years. Because, you know, I may need them. None of them are labeled. I have no idea what the color number is or which company it is from.  The same goes for fabric, fancy papers, and yarn.

So...My plan, or goal, or thing which needs to be done, is to use them or give them away.  I know there are widgets and whatever to help keep track. I have no idea if I have time to track one down.  So in the meantime, I will keep an actual tally sheet with my project basket to keep track.  Hopefully in the next week or so I will add a list of tallies to the side bar.  If anyone has need of a general item to finish a project, I will happily send it off in the mail. And by general, I mean:

2.5 x 2.5 cotton squares in blue


any lengths of green embroidery floss in 3's (or 2's, or single, or whatever!!)


acrylic yarn ends of any color


green cotton yarns

Just remember, we are going really generic.  If you want greens with no snowmen, I can handle that. If you want the green that matches your sofa cushions, I'm not sure I can help.
Please. Please send me an email at with your request. lease put "crafty leftovers" in the subject line, so if it goes to my junk box, I'll be able to spot it!!! I can't throw it away, the pile represents too much money for me.  But if it goes where it is needed and wanted, the anxiety goes away.  Funny how that happens!  Now, on the upside, I DID find all the colors I needed for this particular project.  So I may not have any grey embroidery thread to give away. Right now anyways!

So think about your bazaar or holiday projects, and the things that can be a little iffy and drop me a line.  If I can help, I will. And if I can't, well, we won't know until we try! Here I would normally say "one man's trash is another man's treasure". But it's not trash.  That would be the problem to begin with!!

I would love to make this an annual or seasonal project, so let me know if you think it's worth doing!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Time Flies When You're Having FUN!!

Well, about that time flies thing.  2 years ago was my last post.  Coincidentally, 2 years ago I spilled a still full, 32 ounce latte on my computer.  After some fits and starts, I finally have a computer that is ALL MINE, and is set up in a way that works for ME! (Sorry, family!!) It has been an amazing couple of years, as half of our kids have graduated high school and moved on to (hopefully) amazing futures and the other half have hit some pretty big milestones in their own lives.

Job changes have come and gone and come again, so for the first time in over a decade, DH and I are actually on the same schedule.  And I like him, so projects and volunteer activities have fallen by the wayside as we rebuilt our own relationship.  Not that it was bad, we just didn't see each other.  He worked his job, and me and the kids lived our lives, and sometimes we all got together.  While we were all awake.  At the same time.  But now it's time regain some of the things we let slide, or let go of completely.  And when 3 out of 4 kids say Mom should get her blog going again, if only because she actually got projects done with, I figured maybe I should listen to them.  DH had forgotten about it completely, and when the kids mentioned it, he said "get to work, woman" in that funny way he does. 

While I have almost completely enjoyed the last couple of years, there have been some really hard moments.  The kind that make your heart and eyes full.  The absolutely worst best moment was leaving our eldest 3,000 miles away.  The whole weekend I had with him was great, but that moment when I dropped him off and drove away for the last time was ONE OF THE HARDEST moments in my life.  And I know there are more to come.  He has 3 younger siblings.  And they may get married, And have their own children. And as absolutely amazing as those moments are, they apparently bring a sting I was NOT prepared for.  The moments where my baby wasn't there anymore, but a really earnest and hardworking man was with me in the car, or at the restaurant. Old Spice, you got nothing on the military when it comes to making a man out of my son. And we won't discuss your creepy factor.

So here we are.  I need to get projects done, as crafty and house and 'me' projects have been piling up.  As well as the supplies with which to do them.  I should probably start making some kind of project wish list, and write them all out to sort the things I actually want to do from the ones I feel like I ought to do.   One thing I am looking for specifically are monthly challenges, regardless of crafting skill/medium.  I find most classes in my area are introductory in nature, and while the instructors are good, there isn't a lot that I can take away from the class.  So apparently it is time for me to stretch myself a bit and get involved in some things that are a little less instructional and a little more creative stretching. So if anyone knows of any, pretty, pretty, pretty please, share them in the comments.