After deciding to do something about the over abundance of craft supplies, I started with gathering the stitching supplies. Oh. My. Lanta. There are a lot! There were kits in drawers, and bags in closets, and patterns or magazines on EVERY bookcase or shelf. There were some upstairs and downstairs. Some in various states of completion, from everything together in a bag to just needed a frame. The photo on the right here is just the "little"? pile by the recliner. Yeah.....I think I dream big, or something.
There isn't A pile. There are PILES! These photos are kind of embarrassing. I mean, really? This is ridiculous! But I've been around enough craft rooms to know this is kind of almost normal. The piles may be yarn, or fabric, or paint or whatever, but they're there. Some people are definitely better at organizing the piles, neatly folding fabric, or dedicated yarn bins, or whatever. Me? Not so much.
This little basket is full (over full) of little kits I've accumulated. Sadly, there are more that I have found, and I have no bigger baskets to contain them in! So one will go into each vehicle for waiting times. Since I always seem to be driving someone somewhere for something, this plan should make a pretty decent dent in the pile by the end of the school year. Whatever I don't love love love can go into a gift box, and then some of the birthday panic will go away.
This is the lovely pile of project bags that I found stashed all over. I start one, and something comes up, so it gets put away and ....well, it stays put away.
Which is why this is a project kit that I have carried around for 20 years. That's a little too long. So I started it last spring. The one before the one we just had. There are three of them in this set, so it may be time finish them. Although, at this rate, I can give them to a my great grandchildren as housewarming gifts. Since I'd like them in my own kitchen, that time frame doesn't work.
So my solution? 5 strands stitched every day. Period. For a month. No going to bed til they are done. No carrying extras strands stitched over to the next day. They are happy accidents. I've got a little calendar page in my notebook I can keep track in. I may need to bribe myself to keep it up, but I think once I see progress, it may be the only motivation I need. I am not worried about any finish work there may be at this point, just getting the stitching done. Maybe when I am little less overwhelmed in life, I can make the finish work a priority. It can be a whole other monthly challenge.
Off I go now. There are some stitches waiting to happen! I'll worry about the piles later. After this one decreases a bit!
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