Sunday, October 9, 2016

oooh, I may have hoarding issues

Recently I was looking for threads for a cross-stitch project.  One that may make D2 veeeerrry happy on Christmas morning. Or maybe St. Nicholas Day, depending on when I finish.  None of my "real" embroidery threads fit the color scheme I wanted, so in to the leftovers I went.  That may have been a mistake.  There are BAGS and BAGS of 'leftovers' I have saved over the years. Because, you know, I may need them. None of them are labeled. I have no idea what the color number is or which company it is from.  The same goes for fabric, fancy papers, and yarn.

So...My plan, or goal, or thing which needs to be done, is to use them or give them away.  I know there are widgets and whatever to help keep track. I have no idea if I have time to track one down.  So in the meantime, I will keep an actual tally sheet with my project basket to keep track.  Hopefully in the next week or so I will add a list of tallies to the side bar.  If anyone has need of a general item to finish a project, I will happily send it off in the mail. And by general, I mean:

2.5 x 2.5 cotton squares in blue


any lengths of green embroidery floss in 3's (or 2's, or single, or whatever!!)


acrylic yarn ends of any color


green cotton yarns

Just remember, we are going really generic.  If you want greens with no snowmen, I can handle that. If you want the green that matches your sofa cushions, I'm not sure I can help.
Please. Please send me an email at with your request. lease put "crafty leftovers" in the subject line, so if it goes to my junk box, I'll be able to spot it!!! I can't throw it away, the pile represents too much money for me.  But if it goes where it is needed and wanted, the anxiety goes away.  Funny how that happens!  Now, on the upside, I DID find all the colors I needed for this particular project.  So I may not have any grey embroidery thread to give away. Right now anyways!

So think about your bazaar or holiday projects, and the things that can be a little iffy and drop me a line.  If I can help, I will. And if I can't, well, we won't know until we try! Here I would normally say "one man's trash is another man's treasure". But it's not trash.  That would be the problem to begin with!!

I would love to make this an annual or seasonal project, so let me know if you think it's worth doing!

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