Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Past the halfway point!

What a month!  Even though we cut back on the amount of camps the kids went to, it was still pretty crazy.  I got sick the first week, followed by a week of cubbie camp, followed by a week of VBS.  S1 had 2 trips in other parts of the state, so there was a bit of come and go on his part.  I did manage to accomplish a couple of finishes, but not as many as I had hoped. 

These first projects are more of the Halloween coasters I had made.

They are now officially all done!  All my favorite Halloween fabric scraps are used up and ready for some hot cider!  I haven't decided if the orange on black floral or the orange on white with bats is my all time favorite. 

Another OPAM finish is a felted yarn bowl, but the camera batteries died when I was taking photos.  So when I go grocery shopping, I'll grab some more.

Earlier this month, some friends had a yard sale.  T had some amazing stuff she was cleaning out, so I bought an old plaster fame.

Gold is not my color. With that said, I loved the style of the frame.

So I dug out some paint.  I painted it green, and then wiped it down to show some of the gold.

I actually finished with a light wash of a sparkly brown, but that photo isn't on the same memory card. ugh!

I haven't decided if it will be a pin board, or if I want to put wire in it for a memo board.  That is on my August list of stuff to finish.

We also cleaned out the hall closet.  We Z(by that I mean the hubby and kids) use as all-purpose stashing. D2 had bought a bag of scrap fabric at the local thrift shop to learn how to sew.

 She doesn't like sewing, so it got shoved the bottomless closet.  When we had found it, I put in the pile things NOT going back in.  S2 decided he wanted to make some money, so I paid him to sort it. 

And not just by fabric, he had to pin block sets together.  He learned what is needed for a 9-patch, he helped with deciding colors and made himself a couple dollars. 

And now I have my new leader & ender project.

These must be pretty old, as lots of the fabrics are blends instead of cotton.  Talking to an older quilter, I learned there was a time when 100% cotton was very hard to find, since synthetics were the economic and environmental future.  I think it'll make a great picnic blanket (or 2 or 3).

This week I am piecing some sewing accessory projects and getting ready for school to start.