Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Summer is here, kids are home, and I am trying not to lose my mind already.  I decided to participate in the Moda Bakeshop Trifle-Dish-Sew-Along, which may have been a dumb decision on my part. Two days to piece each row?  Are they nuts?  I have a partially finished row, and some of the other fabrics picked out.  Part of my reason for doing it was to use up some scraps.  Which leads to a lot of extra work, since I don't buy pre-cuts. 

I did finish a couple of projcts over the last couple of weeks.  First were some Halloween coasters.

The one under the Coke bottle was finished back in February, and I still have 5 more to go.  But they will be ready for Halloween!

I also finished a project back for my wool knitting projects.

My cat LOVES wool yarn, and I have to very conscious about where I put them.  I had this fabric sitting for over 5 years!  I loved it too much to cut, so when I found these handles on sale, I thought perfect.  It is now holding 3 gorgeous balls of wool yarn for a felting project.  And the cat can smell it, but he can't get to it!

And this lovely little cowl will be ready when fall hits.  Which is never very long from June around here.

Lovely, soft, baby alpaca DH got me for Mother's Day.  In as close to olive green as he could get!

This week I'll see about finishing the piece work for Trifle quilt, and maybe finish that felting project.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

I thought I would get stuff done!

Well, I didn't get my quilt bound, since I lost the binding fabric.  I did get the binding sewn on to the Halloween coasters, but not stitched down. So, fingers crossed, they will be finished this week. I hope!

I did get several blocks done for D2. Bright sawtooth stars with black backgrounds, all very scrappy.  I am so glad D2 and EJ love those bright colors, or I don't know what I'd do! 

This will be the center block, since it's her favorite so far.

I get why I didn't finish anything, the kids have started winding up the school year.  S1 had his first camping season camp out, as well as finishing his Eagle requirements.  He HAS to be done by Friday, because then my baby turns 18!

D2 and S2 had dance rehearsals and recitals over the last week.  That was lot of driving around, and then D2 started play rehearsals! We also had the LAST FIELD TRIP of the year!!  All the kids say that like some dodos talking about a certain watermelon!  Somewhere in there we squeezed in some yard and house work, as well as helping DH with a couple house projects.   In fact, I'm hoping he can do that last little bit today!  There may be some finishing touches later, but right now he just wants to get the basics done!

Friday, June 6, 2014

My favorite vase

 Somewhere this spring, I discovered I *like* flowers in the house.  Not that I didn't before, I just never thought about it.  So, whenever I finish the grocery shopping, I try to pick up a small bouquet of flowers.  I'd rather just cut some out of the yard, but we don't have flowers in the yard. Yet.  So this week, DH and I had to stop at the store to pick something up for dinner after a crazy day.  And he asks me if I've bought any flowers lately. I told him no, it wasn't in the budget. So, he bought me a some of the big daisies I love!

Well, the previous bouquets I had bought were way too big for this vase.  But the daisies were perfect!  I may have to plant some for next year!  The thing I love about this vase is that it isn't a vase, of course.  It's century old milk bottle! The amount of milk would not have lasted long in our house.  They must have gotten several a day.

The only thing is I don't know how to read the date.

Is that January 11, 1914 or November 1, 1914?  When DH saw the date, he asked where I found milk in a glass bottle in the year 2014.  I had to tell him to think about it. I wish I had taken a photo of his face the light bulb went on.   Then he thought it was even cooler.  Though he would apparently be ok with me buying milk in glass bottles. 

Sharing this at Shabby Art Boutique's Shabbilicious Friday

Monday, June 2, 2014

June is off to a great OPAM start!!

The month has just started and I already have 1 finish, with a couple of more soon to follow!

My first finish of the month is a cute little tote bag for EJ.  I didn't follow a pattern, I just went with my gut.  She hauls quite a bit back and forth from work, and bag made just for her is always better than a grocery bag, re-usable or not.

Almost all my red, black, and white scraps have been used up!  YAY!!  It's always exciting when I see a dent made in the fabric stash.  I may have enough bits and pieces left to make her a set of coasters, but I make no promises. 

Next up is to finally finish my Halloween coasters.  They've been sitting for a while, and all they need is binding.  Or maybe bind a quilt that has been sitting for the last month!