Monday, May 27, 2013

A surprise in the works....

Last week, I started a secret project.  I won't be able to share details until the middle of June, but until then, here's a peek at the chosen fabrics!

So far it looks gorgeous!

I also finished 4 dishclothes.  There's only 3 in the photo since D2 stole the first one as soon as it was done.  She was really happy with it. They are surprisingly quick and easy to make, each one taking just over an hour. Perfect when you only have a couple of minutes before heading out the door! 

I also finished my apron!  I've had this pattern for 2 years, and kept putting off getting the fabric. More on that Friday for the Shabby Art Boutique link party.

And over the course of the week, we had some some and I got 1 yard project done.  It was kind of a lark, but I think it'll be really cute when done.  DH will bury the legs at some point for stability, since I didn't think of that.  I planted butternut squash and some kind of flower.  I think, if it works, I'm going to love the squash vines hanging over the edge.  I have no idea what flower I planted, and it may get choked out by the squash. 

I have no idea what this week will bring.  There are a lot of things going on, and the end of the school year is creeping up a little too fast!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Just little bit done this week!

Well I did it!  I finished the bathmat!  It was one of those projects that keep growing.  It was originally supposed to be 20 inches by 27 inches, and somewhere I got it 23 inches by 30 inches.  The upside is that every 2 rows equaled 1 inch.  The downside is I ran out of yarn.  About halfway through, I had to get 2 new cones of yarn and there is a nice line where the old yarn ran out!

But it feels so good under our feet, no one actually cares what it looks like! I'll make another with this pattern for when this one starts to wear out. 

I also finished a 4th of July/Memorial Day bunting for the kids' school auction.

I have no idea how much it went for.  I'm not sure how much I care.  I am glad the auction is over.  There is a lot of time and effort put into it, and this year seems to have gone rather well. 

This week I have no major plans.  I am making an apron from Edwardian/Victorian pattern set. I'm not sure which era it would be from.   I just know it goes almost to my ankles and will be very handy when I am canning this year.  I spent quite a bit of time picking a fabric that would "still be pretty with coffee and jam stains on it."  DH thought I was nuts, but the kids understood!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Another down, 1 more to go!

So 2 years ago I started quilts for all the kids' beds.  They were simple squares, with fabrics picked out by the kids.  Last January, I think, I finally got S1's finished, and last spring I got D1's finished. Last week I got D2's finished! YAY!  S2 is very happy since his is next.  I just hope it doesn't take another 6 months!  I went in birth order to finish them, since for awhile I was afraid the oldest would be out of the house and married before I finished his!  So here is D2's finished bed quilt.  She informed me it is her favorite blankie ever.

Some of the fabrics I had split up between both of the girls' quilts, so their room will have a unified look, without everything being identical. So now I just need them to get a properly made bed in the morning!

Wednesday was a themed dress day at school.  The theme was Dr. Seuss.  One child was a Star-belly Sneetch.  The only easier Dr. Seuss theme costume is a Plain-belly Sneetch.  One yellow t-shirt, one green fabric marker, and ta-da!!! Star-belly Sneetch!  The Sneetches is my favorite Dr. Seuss book ever!  However, what Dr, Suess day is complete without Green Eggs & Ham?  So S2 was Sam-A-Am.  With a red Sam-I-Am hat crochet in less then 6 hours the night before. 

I told DH I think I know how to crochet.  He said "no kidding!  When did you figure that out?" My response was "when I just finished a hat with no pattern AND it looks and fits the way it is supposed too?"  S2 was quite happy with it, and my MIL wants one! 

The only other project i finished was a sewing machine cover.  I had been looking online for patterns, and just didn't see any that grabbed me.  So many of them were a little overdone.  Pretty, but not something I would want to put to work.  So this is what I came up with instead.

DH bought me all the fabrics because they were sewing themed, and I like to sew.  And even though I am not a big yellow fan, I think it works amazing as the binding for this. 

This week I am determined to finish the bathmat, as well as a couple of projects from magazines I've been hoarding for "someday, when I have time."  Well, I don't really want to plan on doing things later right now, so much as just getting them done.  We'll see how that works out.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Vintage Threads...literally!

One of the things I had stashed around the house that needed something done with it was a collection of antique and vintage threads still on their wooden spools.  They had come to me from my great-grandmother and my grandmother, and I couldn't bear to toss them out.  Over time, the box got scattered about.  I took one out for a project, or the kids got into them, or whatever.  So I finally got them all rounded up, and after years of wondering what to do with them, I saw a cute wreath in a magazine.  I'd seen it on-line in various places, as well, but they all used styrofoam bases.  I have a personal hatred of styrofoam.  It violates all sorts of things for me. So I pondered, and D2 found a wreath form under her bed.  That was exactly what I needed!  So here it is!  My spool wreath.

First, I did put a layer of sealer on the threads, to keep them from unspooling.  Then I wrapped wire around the base, threaded it through the spool, and wrapped the wire twice around the base before threading the next spool on.  I recommend working the inside of the base before the outside!

It is the only thing at present on the wall.  And the wall is too big for it!  I fell like it needs something, but nothing I had worked with it.  Bows were too big, buttons were too small. So part of me is hoping that I find more heirloom sewing items, maybe Great-grandma's measuring tape or something.  But until then, I am quite happy with it.  And if I do find more spools, I'll add a third middle layer, but I am pretty sure I found all of them.  I think!

Sharing this today at

Monday, May 6, 2013

What a week!

It was awesome!  We started out with the normal weekday stuff.  I had been working on D2's quilt and the new bathmat when a notice came home from school on Wednesday.  Next week is Teacher Appreciation Week!  OH NO!!!  I had found a project last September I wanted to do for our school's teachers.  But I didn't do it in September because TAW wasn't until the spring.  It's this week!  So my finishes for last week are 17 hanging heart pockets. In May's first weekend I had more finishes than any of the previous months!  I hope this keeps up!

I will never sew that pattern again.  When I have to change that many things just to get pocket through the machine, I may as well make up my own.  I was disgusted. I told DH I think the stabilizer company paid her.  He said I was getting cynical.  But I might be right.

This week will be better.  Back to the quilt for D2 and the bath mat.  And some serious outdoor time. It is 70+ degrees (F) outside.  And I need to replant tomatoes.