Monday, November 26, 2012

His vacation is over!

DH was home for the last week, and the kids were home for all but ONE day!  So last week I posted nothing, and finished almost nothing!  It was a good week, but between everyone home and the Thanksgiving weekend, all the schedules were out of wack.  I don't think laundry got done for three days!  So this week is catch up, with a "how much can I get done" vibe.  With 1 month left of OPAM, I am starting to feel a little overwhelmed by how many projects I still have to finish.  I am going to have to schedule time without the kids home to get some Christmas stuff done!!!

My finishes last week were simple.  First, a bookmark for S2.  I wasn't keen on the kit but it came with my magazine, and I was going to stash as a "I have no money" project.  But he LOVED it.  So I worked the kit up for him, and told him he probably shouldn't take it to school, LOL.

So here it is, in all it's retro glory.  Now he is desperate for a book worthy of it. Next was a Christmas bunting for etsy.   I love buntings.  I love how they change the look of the room, how easy they are to change in and out, how easy they are to many reasons to love them! 

For this week, it's just cram time.  I have several knit and crochet projects in the works. Granny squares are easy when the boys are having nerf wars and the girls are baking.  I have some new sewing projects as well as ll the old ones to finish.  So I'll just keep my fingers crossed no one gets sick!

Monday, November 12, 2012

On this Monday.....

I want to start out by thanking our servicemen and women for their service.  I know some who are feeling like this day is a joke this year, after what has been in recent news.  And maybe there are elements of truth to that. But for me and my family, we are grateful for those who are or were willing to serve and those of our older generations who fulfilled their draft obligations. 

On a much more mundane note, my week was more productive than I had expected.  I finished several items for the school bazaar.  Below are 8 felt rings I made.  The girls tend to snap these up on the first day.  So I make as many as I make, and let them sell out.

 And I finished these boxes.  They only had 4 left at the end of the first day!  I love doing projects like that, because when they sell out, I know somebody is happy with I made.  And that is the whole point of crafting in my world!

I also finished an autumn bunting for etsy.  I really love how these warm up some of the empty spaces in our house.  And with a 1960's split level, we have a lot of bare walls and windows.  I do need to find a spot that is a bit easier to reach for taking photos.  Climbing up the side of our entry way is one reason I am not getting a lot of these done!  Someplace eye level would be good!

This week I think I only have one meeting, so I am hoping to work on Christmas presents. If I can get time without kids in the house!  My only major complaint about homeschooling is that I can't work on gifts while they are right there!!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Back in to the goove of things...

We had carnival.  It was amazing!  The kids had a blast, all the shifts were covered, the gym is back to being a gym, and I spent a week semi-comatose!  After we finished clean up, I tried to spend the weekend in DH's recliner.  Except we had a birthday party for D2 the next day, but at her age, the girls eat cake, open presents, and spent hours giggling on the floor.  I did finish two more of the knit eye balls and 4 more Halloween buntings,  although I have no pictures because I can't find my camera. LOL, it is always like this after carnival.  I have a love-hate relationship with carnival, mostly because I have so many other things going on.  Scouts and school and dinner don't stop for carnival.  Housework does, though! I am looking forward to this week: no major plans!  Just getting life in order for the holidays.  Which means we purge the house, since I am not bringing anything in unless stuff goes out;  getting the shopping lists in order, and sizes of the kids to grandma.  Easy peasy. 

My OPAM total for this month was 15 finishes.   For some reason, the list has gotten longer over the year, instead of shorter!  And with 2 months to go, I'd like to make the most of it.  It may take a new level of determination to get everything done I wanted to, but if I just keep my head down and keep going, maybe I'll get there!