Monday, November 26, 2012

His vacation is over!

DH was home for the last week, and the kids were home for all but ONE day!  So last week I posted nothing, and finished almost nothing!  It was a good week, but between everyone home and the Thanksgiving weekend, all the schedules were out of wack.  I don't think laundry got done for three days!  So this week is catch up, with a "how much can I get done" vibe.  With 1 month left of OPAM, I am starting to feel a little overwhelmed by how many projects I still have to finish.  I am going to have to schedule time without the kids home to get some Christmas stuff done!!!

My finishes last week were simple.  First, a bookmark for S2.  I wasn't keen on the kit but it came with my magazine, and I was going to stash as a "I have no money" project.  But he LOVED it.  So I worked the kit up for him, and told him he probably shouldn't take it to school, LOL.

So here it is, in all it's retro glory.  Now he is desperate for a book worthy of it. Next was a Christmas bunting for etsy.   I love buntings.  I love how they change the look of the room, how easy they are to change in and out, how easy they are to many reasons to love them! 

For this week, it's just cram time.  I have several knit and crochet projects in the works. Granny squares are easy when the boys are having nerf wars and the girls are baking.  I have some new sewing projects as well as ll the old ones to finish.  So I'll just keep my fingers crossed no one gets sick!

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