Friday, April 12, 2013

A treasure for my garden!

A while back, my wonderful DH bought me a present.  That usually isn't in our budget, so when we do get each other presents, they tend to be really good.  Even if they are a little corny.  But this one was REALLY GOOD.  Except, I had no where to put it.  Until this week.  After a lot of moving it around the yard, sometimes because it might look good there, and sometimes just to get it out of the way, it got a home.  My antique weather vane!  It'll give me a good reason to prune back the berry bush in the fall!

DH even made sure we had the cardinal points properly marked.  I didn't  actually care, since I know where north is when I'm in my yard, LOL.  I think it will look amazing when the flowers are blooming, and I am going to try and train the vines to wrap around the bottom.  It has made a lovely addition to a rather empty bed.  The berry bush is only 2 years old, so it doesn't take much space yet.

And for a bonus, we got my house numbers painted and up on the beds.  No excuses for the kids to plant things in the wrong bed now!  :)  The bright barn red should be eye catching enough for them!

Sharing this today at Shabby Art Boutique's Shabbilicious Friday!  Which makes me wonder, what are the letters for the cardinals directions if one is in France?


  1. I love your weather vane. I have wanted a vane for a long time, but not wanted to spend the money for the vanes I really like.

    Enjoy your vane while you work in your garden - that's what I am headed out to do right now.

    1. Thank you! I keep wanting to get in the garden, but all we've had is rain this week.
